Saturday, January 24, 2009

OK, So the Other Day Caught Up With Me...

(Another handwritten journal entry that I'm posting late) VLCD Day 35. 231.2lbs this AM. It was a 1.4 lb weight gain from the splurge the other day...I did pretty good today though. No cheats except a Sugar-free Caramel Latte. I forgot about the milk in it until after I'd drank 3/4's of it worries, it'll come off eventually...


  1. Hello,
    I read about your cheat day and laughed!! One thing that Kevin Trudeau says in his book, If you do cheat, don't feel guilty!! Enjoy it fully and move on!!!
    That was my rule when I cheated. I enjoyed wine almost every night on the diet!!
    Hey, more tips and free diets on


  2. Yeah, I REALLY enjoyed my 2 pieces of Pizza last night! LOL! BTW, Thanks for the link!
