Friday, December 26, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Journey of 1000 Steps...

There is an old saying that goes, "The journey of a thousand steps begins with just one." Well, I think I've re-started this journey countless times throughout my life. Each time with a certain degree of short-lived success.

I'm sure any of my readers who've struggle with weight problems, or more accurately in my case "morbid obesity", can identify. The myriad of new fad diets, the feeling of self-deprivation and starvation, unfulfilled self-promises... the constant feelings of failure.

I've done South Beach, Atkins, Richard Simmons' Deal-A-Meal, the Daniel Fast, 1200 calories a day, 3 "normal" meals a day, 6 "small" meals a day, the Heart Healthy diet, the No Concentrated Sugar diet, eDiets, etc. I've hiked and backpacked, done Slim-in-6 six to seven days a week consistently for 6 weeks, walked-jogged 1-2 miles a day with a friend, done the treadmill and stationary bike routine, and am still fat! All it's ever done was cause me to fight bout after bout of feelings of failure.

[Paragraph Removed by Author]

And, oh, those who've been there will understand the desperate hope...You know, hoping that the guy will actually spend enough time around you to get to know you for who you are inside. The real you...the great personality and sense of humor. The talents and abilities with which you've been blessed. The passion for life and sincerity with which you live each day... Yeah, well, it's a scene all to familiar to many overweight people.

Enough of the woes of being fat...earlier this year God brought a business partner into my life who, along with his wife, was following a weight loss program that I'd never heard of before. It was developed by Dr. Simeons, an Italian doctor some 40+ years ago. It's pretty radical in the eyes of most people. And while the FDA has approved it for the clinical treatment of severe obesity under a physician's care, it's not "officially" been ok'd for "weight loss". LOL! The FDA's way of keeping us from having access to something that actually works!

The weight loss program is called by some The HCG Diet, and it's based upon the book Pounds & Inches: A New Approach To Obesity by A.T.W. SIMEONS, M.D. and the research and treatment he did while at the Salvator Mundi International Hospital in Italy. It's been safely self-administered by thousands of overweight people here in the USA with documented success (video blogs, before and after photos, etc). You can get a free download of the book by going to:

Having said all that, I decided to embark upon my own weight loss journey with the help of the HCG Diet. Most of my blogging will be by video, as that will allow you to actually SEE the progress as I become half the person I am now. ;-D (OK, not quite half, but I've got almost 100 pounds to lose.) Come along and join me on my journey...